I love walking through the aisles of a TJ Maxx or a Marshalls because you never know what you might find. During one of my usual promenades through the local TJ Maxx I came across a line I've never heard of called Philip B. I've been on the hunt for the perfect leave in conditioner and have been disappointed too many times, but like men, I like to take everyone on a case-by-case basis and I don't hold a grudge. I decided to pick up a tube and try it out.
After my no 'poo shampoo and deep conditioning treatment, I proceeded to use the leave in conditioner. I immediately enjoyed the clean, citrusy smell, and I knew right away from the texture of the cream that my hair was going to like this product. I worked the leave in conditioner in sections through out my damp hair and then used my other arsenal of hair products (coconut oil, aloe gel and structura lotion). I then sat under the hair dryer until my hair was completely dry.
The end result was smooth and shiny hair. Before the leave in, my hair still had some fuzz to it. Philip B's Lovin' Leave In eliminated the fuzziness my hair had, worked well with the aloe gel (which could sometimes be a problem with other leave ins) and left my hair smelling fresh. I know some people can't stand the smell of coconut oil, but none of that anymore.
The following weekend I went back to the TJ Maxx and bought the remainder 3 tubes. The clerk asked me if it worked, I told her I loved it. She said she would have to try it and I told her I just bought them all. I then drove to the store near my job and bought all of theirs. As you know, if you find a product you love at a discount retailer, you have to buy all you can, you just don't know if they'll get others in. If you can't get your hands on one at TJ Maxx, try their website: www.philipb.com